Cable&Wireless New Office Opening
The British multinational telecommunication company, Cable&Wireless, made its
anchorage in Hong Kong with brand new image and services. To celebrate this special
occasion, Matches had turned the new office into a hotel environment for guests to
experience the vivid and passion of Cable&Wireless, professional talents were hired to
provide poor and excellent services in different zones which symbolised the contrast of
brand new and previous service.
Cable & Wireless 新写字楼开幕
英国跨国电讯公司 Cable&Wireless 以全新形象及服务再次来港发展, 为庆祝新
写字楼入伙, 互动柴火把新写字楼化为酒店场景, 安排演员扮演酒店职员, 为来
宾带来即时的新旧对比, 同时也感受 Cable&Wireless 的创新、干劲和活力。