Ted Baker FW collection 2011 – Press Preview Day
Ted Baker is a British designer clothing retail company which has stores and outlets all over the world. Before each new collections available on shelves, Ted Baker invites media friends to take the first peek of their collection. Matches followed the collection inspiration to create a simple, cozy setting to showcase the latest fashion items from clothing to handbags.
Ted Baker (泰德.贝克) 是英国非常著名的设计师品牌,在英国无论男女老少对这个品牌皆爱戴有佳,目前,Ted Baker在全球均拥有销售据点。每逢於新系列上架前,也会举办传媒先瞻会,互动柴火遵循新系列的主旨灵感, 为新系列打造一个简约舒适的传媒聚会空间,展示品牌的个性产品。